Saturday 9 June 2012

SDBT: Sunday, May 20th

What a strange illusion it is to suppose that beauty is goodness. -Leo Tolstoy, novelist and philosopher (1828-1910) 

                                                              Ed and your grandsons

Hi Goils!

Tell Ed I know how he feels! We just boarded the Sakura 553 Shinkasen, Bullet Train, bound for Hakata where we change for another Bulleto to Nagasaki for next two nights. Spent last night at a fabulous hotel/spa not all that far way from Toshi's/Tomiko's apartment. They and her aunts wanted to treat us as thanks for all our hospitality in Canada. Had a wonderful onsen before dinner. I was all by myself as there are separate baths for women and men. Around 7:00pm a lavish 7 course meal was served in our room. I drank a Japanese citrus beverage, (8%), while Nana pounded a Chardonnay from Kobe. Absolutely stunning presentation and tastes, of course. By the time we finished eating and chatting it was close to 10:00pm and we finished with very tasty watermelon and canteloupe. Course before that was miso soup and rice to cleanse the palette but I couldn't touch either as the portions had just kept coming and coming! (Didn't even manage to crack the bottle of sake we'd brought along so hope to enjoy it tonight in Nagasaki!)

We all slept in the same room, low dining room table put aside, on very comfy tatami mats. While I was waiting for the bathroom, I climbed back into the massage chair and enjoyed the pummelling and the vibrating until I was a noodle. That and the onsen ensured sleep was a sound one. We all slept in our kimonos and I didn't need anything else as temperature was just right for me. Cora Lee and Toshi were buried ubder there duvets but Tomiko didn't use hers either. Woke up at 5:00am to see the sunrise. Toshi informed us that there would be a total eclipse of the sun at around 7:30am so we wanted to go for another onsen before watching the solar fireworks. During dinner Toshi asked the woman who was serving our food if protective glasses were available at the hotel and when she returned a few minutes later she brought us aa device that looked a bit like a space age set of sun glasses wthout the arms. She said it was a gift to us on our anniversary, as were about three of the dishes served over the course of the meal. Toshi must have mentioned our 36th when she made the booking. The food was from the hotel but the solar protector was from her. She said she lived but three minutes away and could use the ones her daughter had purchased. By and large, this is typical of the generosity we have experienced since arriving.

At any rate, I went up to the onsen just after 6:00am and enjoyed another wonderful soak, both indoors and in smaller outdoor pool, befoer returning to the room. Beat Toshi and Coriandre back to room. Tomiko had stayed and was reading the newspaper when walked in. We changed out of our kimonos and started watching the beginning of the eclipse at around 7:10am. I was loads of fun as the sun was gradually obscured. I asked Toshi to turn on TV and we watched coverage from around Japan. Cloud cover was heavier in Tokyo, where eclipse was to be more complete, but from comparing our own observations to what was shown on the live-coverage, our show was better!

At 7:30am, the eclipse was almost total, just a halo of red light around the black moon, so we went downstairs for breakfast. Another wonderful meal and I'm always the winner with Cora Lee as I get to eat most of her pickles. This time we had a custard-like tofu, cooked in what amounts to a huge cup-cake that is set inside a ceramic bowl, atop a mini,gel fuelled hot pot. Yummy, especially with green onions and gratd ginger on top!

Back up to room to pack up. We are travelling quite lightly, (The way we should have been from the very start!), for this next leg of the trip as we'll return to Toshi's place on Saturday. She'll meet us at our hotel on Friday morning. We'll spend Thursday night in Kyoto, after visiting Hiroshima, (one night), after Nagasaki, the furthest south we'll travel. Friday night we will spend at the guest house, (cottage/cabin), of one of the directors of the company she works for, and explore more of Kyoto and environs. The wife of the director will be there and she is familar with this area so she has offered to be our guide. That being said, Toshi is a more than wonderful tour guide herself so we have really been able to understand more about what we are seeing and doing and eating and drinking!!!

Once we were packed, we went downstairs again to have coffee and tea, part of the package, stopping to admire the stunning Koi in a beautiful outdoor pond, next to the bank of elevators. I've never seen such gigantic, stunningly beautiful , obviously healthy fish as these. There were three or four, perhaps a few more, that were over a metre long, the thickness of my thigh through the middle; two of these were a golden yellow, many of the smaller ones, and even these weren't that small, were splotched red and white and black, simply glorious, almost like Dalmatian goldfish! I could hardly tear myself away from the window everytime I passed.

Into the comfortable lounge area for some delicously strong coffee, (black tea for Coriandre), and a chocolate biscuit from Kobe, appareny renowned for its sweets as well as its beef. More chatting and translation for Tomiko and then back to room tt collect our bags. Around 9:30am Toshi and her Mom walked with us to the station, about a ten minute stroll, and saw us as far as the ticket gates. They didn't have to check out until 11:00am and Toshi didn't have to be at work until 1:30pm. She had some time owing her for some weekend work a while back. Her Mom was planning to go home to do laundry, our bed linen! We thankedd them for such a wonderful weekend and embraced, saying we'd see Toshi on Friday, her mom the day after. On Sundday, at noon, an unclel is hosting a yakatori party for us at his restaurant so we'll see the aunts who have visited Vancouver over the years.

Longest part of today's journey is from Shin-Osaka to Hakata, about two-and-a-half hours. Then two hours from there to Nagasaki, arrivning just before 4:00pm. Should give us time to stroll around downtown after chcecking in to our hotel, The Victoria Inn, fairly central, according to the Japanese expert, Have Insight Guide, Will Travel Coriandre! Signing off, munching rice crackers wrapped in seaweed as we hurtle along. Love, Fondestos and Cheers, Nana "Move Over Rick Steves" and Poppa "We Don't Need No Stinkin' Travel Agents" San!

Hi Marilyn and Big Al!

Trust you are both well. How go your busy lives?

Hi Patrice,

I really enjoyed your well written excerpts and particularly your recounting
of the anniversary festivities. Japan sounds like an amazing place and I
would very much like to visit, fortunately we can benefit from your
experiences which I can't wait to hear more about upon your return. I guess
you must be heading home soon? I can't remember the date of your return but
I wish you a safe journey and will look forward to catching up soon.

Take care, Al

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